Eminent Domain

Kraemer Burns has a long history of representing both property owners and governmental entities in eminent domain (condemnation) proceedings. It all started representing the Garden State Parkway at its inception, handling or supervising the acquisition of the many hundreds of parcels needed for the right of way.   Among our higher profile cases are the following:

Kraemer Burns represents developers of Urban Renewal Projects and in connection with the entire representation becomes involved with the eminent domain proceedings requisite to the acquisition of the project site.

The firm's trial lawyers are experienced in litigating other types of valuation cases and these skills carry over into eminent domain.  For example, the firm has an active real estate tax appeal practice (see that section our web site) as well as experience in litigating the valuation of public corporations in the context of mergers.

In addition to having good trial skills, an eminent domain lawyer must know what appraiser to select for a particular case and how that appraiser will relate to the jury. We almost always use appraisers who are members of the Appraisal Institute (MAIs) and have either examined or cross-examined many of them. Our lawyers believe they have sufficient experience to select the right MAI for the particular case.

Kraemer Burns usually handles eminent domain proceeding on an hourly basis, but if requested to do so by a property owner, will consider doing so on a contingency based on a percentage over the condemning authorities initial offer.