Attorney and Other Professional Ethics

Kraemer Burns represents attorneys charged with violation of the Rules of Professional Responsibility.  Four of the firm's members have served on District Ethics Committees and one on the Disciplinary Review Board. One of the firm's attorneys was a member of the American Law Institute's consultative committee involved in the drafting of the Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers. In addition to representing lawyers facing charges, Kraemer Burns is also available to advise as to whether a course of proposed conduct or representation is permissible under the RPCs.  Moreover, our firm has several attorneys qualified to testify as experts in civil litigation projecting attorney ethics issues. Some of our illustrative cases follow:

Kraemer Burns defended one of New Jersey's most significant attorney ethics cases in a 29-day trial before a retired judge serving as special master. Issues included fee-sharing, supervision of lawyers and non-legal staff and an attorney's responsibility to report ethics infractions.  Nineteen witnesses testified.  Ultimately, on appeal to the New Jersey Supreme Court, a successful result was achieved.

A District Ethics Committee recommended to the Disciplinary Review Board that a lawyer be disciplined as the result of his handing of a real estate transaction.  Kraemer Burns represented him before the Disciplinary Review Board. The DRB found no unethical conduct and praised the lawyer for his efforts in handling the transaction.

The Office of Attorney Ethics sought a substantial suspension arising out of a lawyer's contemptuous and insulting conduct directed to a judge in two unrelated cases. Kraemer Burns represented the lawyer before both District Ethics Committee and the Disciplinary Review Board. The result was a reprimand, a complete defeat for the Office of Attorney Ethics having been offered that result at the commencement of the proceedings.

Kraemer Burns has also represented other professionals, such as physicians and engineers, in matters before their respective regulatory boards.  We have substantial attorney and other professional ethics experience and would be pleased to help.